SEO on page tips

If you feel your website isn't getting found for the products or services on offer then there are some search engine optimisation (SEO) on page tips and tricks that will help go towards you getting found. It’s important to understand that the copy contained within your website, along with consideration towards keywords, remain the most important aspects that Google factors in when ranking a website.
Make sure you have a friendly URL structure
A URL is what’s displayed on the search bar within your browser window and is simply a reference to a unique resource on the web. It’s important that your URL structure is clean and easy to understand as this is preferable to both users and search engines. Keywords in URLs can be used to identify the relevance of a page when a search for a particular term is performed. It’s critical not to overly stuff keywords into your URLs for SEO purposes as this can have a negative impact. Clean URLs help a search engine’s ability to identify the relevance of the page content.
Optimise page copy
Content will always be king in the eyes of any search engine and the amount of unique, relevant copy contained on each page of your website helps give you a higher ranking of authority on a given subject. It’s vital that you talk about things in a natural manner and, again, be mindful not to try and cram keywords into copy where it simply doesn’t fit. Search engines can pick up on this and penalise the site in terms of ranking.
Alt and title tags
Alt tags and title tags are HTML attribute tags and are both used to help give added descriptions to elements for search engine purposes. An alt tag is used on images to provide a text alternative. Search engines cannot interpret images and alt tags solve this by providing text that the search engines can read. When search engines crawl a page, images that use correctly formatted alt text help towards the page indexing and, therefore, where it ranks in search engine results.
A title tag can be used on a page link and gives additional information about the page that is being linked to. It helps provide additional information to help clarify or further describe the purpose of that link. Title tags are important from a usability factor as these are used by screen readers in helping users with visual impairments access your page content. The better your usability, the better your ranking will be.
Meta titles and page description
Meta titles are what appear within the top of your browser tab when you visit any given web page. They help search engines understand what your page is aiming to describe and the content contained within it. For many people, meta titles often provide the first impression of what your website is about when they discover your page via an organic search.
Page descriptions help draw readers to a website from the search engine results page and are considered an important part of search marketing. A page’s meta description should include some keywords in a natural non-spam oriented way that tempts the user to click through to the page.