Take the website health check

Let’s take a look at your website - is it as lean and fit as you think it is? Or is it struggling to take those vital steps towards customer enquiries?
There are many factors that affect just how well your website performs as an effective sales tool.
It goes without saying that design is important - visitors will not hang around on a site which looks outdated, is difficult to find your way around, or where key messages and product information are not clear.
But, behind the scenes, there are many other factors that help to make your website function well in the internet minefield. Experienced web designers will take these into consideration as part of the process - it’s not all about the aesthetics.
These are just a couple of examples:
Page speed
Naturally the rate at which a website page loads is a key factor in user experience. Split seconds count when the modern audience is browsing a website - the higher the speed, the happier the visitor and the more efficient the process of searching, enquiring, and purchasing becomes.
Furthermore search engines will take page speed into account when ranking your website in their results.
Google page speed provides an indication of how well a website performs on mobile and desktop - you can check this yourself by entering your web address on the following page:
https://pagespeed.web.dev/Code and structure
There is also a useful tool called the W3C Markup Validation Service. It’s a free service that helps check the validity of Web documents by ensuring that the coding language used to build a website meets standard technical specifications.
Anyone can use the tool to check the code and/or structure of their website for errors.
https://validator.w3.org/If you need any help with designing or upgrading an existing website, why not give us a call?